Mursener & Associates
                Master the Art of Communications
About Us
Mursener & Associates is dedicated to helping businesses and individuals understand the roll communications plays in their success.  We assist our clients in creating a culture that fosters positive communications with customers, employees and management.

Mursener & Associates has trained thousands of individuals in various industries, government and education in professional business conduct.

We focus on the communications skills that will enhance individual professional presence and improve the the overall success of individuals and businesses with an emphasis on business etiquette and multi-generational and gender communications. .

We customize our work to meet the specific and unique needs of each client.  

Lorie Mursener - Gonzales, founder and CEO of Mursener & Associates, is passionate about helping individuals and businesses become the best they can be through improved   communications skills, 

She is a nationally recognized expert in the area of communications and business etiquette.  She spent over 20 years in the communications industry with such notable companies as AT&T, Lucent Technologies and AVAYA.

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